;;==========================================================================;; ;; Joe Zbiciak's Bankswitch Demo ;; ;; Copyright 2002, Joe Zbiciak, im14u2c AT primenet DOT com. ;; ;; http://www.primenet.com/~im14u2c/intv/ ;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* TO BUILD IN BIN+CFG FORMAT: *; ;* as1600 -o bankdemo.bin -l bankdemo.lst bankdemo.asm *; ;* *; ;* TO BUILD IN ROM FORMAT: *; ;* as1600 -o bankdemo.rom -l bankdemo.lst bankdemo.asm *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *; ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *; ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *; ;* (at your option) any later version. *; ;* *; ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *; ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *; ;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU *; ;* General Public License for more details. *; ;* *; ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *; ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *; ;* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* Copyright (c) 2002, Joseph Zbiciak *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ROMW 16 ; Use 16-bit ROM ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Include system information ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INCLUDE "../library/gimini.asm" ORG $5000 ; Use default memory map ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; EXEC-friendly ROM header. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROMHDR: BIDECLE ZERO ; MOB picture base (points to NULL list) BIDECLE ZERO ; Process table (points to NULL list) BIDECLE MAIN ; Program start address BIDECLE ZERO ; Bkgnd picture base (points to NULL list) BIDECLE ONES ; GRAM pictures (points to NULL list) BIDECLE TITLE ; Cartridge title/date DECLE $03C0 ; No ECS title, run code after title, ; ... no clicks ZERO: DECLE $0000 ; Screen border control DECLE $0000 ; 0 = color stack, 1 = f/b mode ONES: DECLE C_BLU, C_BLU ; Initial color stack 0 and 1: Blue DECLE C_BLU, C_BLU ; Initial color stack 2 and 3: Blue DECLE C_BLU ; Initial border color: Blue ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; TITLE -- Display our modified title screen & copyright date. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; TITLE: PROC BYTE 102, 'Bankswitch Demo', 0 BEGIN ; Patch the title string to say '=JRMZ=' instead of Mattel. CALL PRINT.FLS ; Write string (ptr in R5) DECLE C_WHT, $23D ; White, Point to 'Mattel' in top-left STRING '=JRMZ=' ; Guess who? :-) STRING ' Productions' BYTE 0 CALL PRINT.FLS ; Write string (ptr in R1) DECLE C_WHT, $2D0 ; White, Point to 'Mattel' in lower-right STRING '2002 =JRMZ=' ; Guess who? :-) BYTE 0 ; Done. RETURN ; Return to EXEC for title screen display ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; MAIN: Here's our main program code. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; MAIN: PROC BEGIN CALL CLRSCR ; Clear the screen ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Select the first message and display it. ;; ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; CALL PRINT.FLS ; Display our message. DECLE X_WHT ; White DECLE $200 + 2*20 + 0 ; Row #0, column #0 on screen ;01234567890123456789 STRING "MAP $1000 -> $6000: ", 0 MVII #$60, R1 ; Range to bankswitch = $6000 - $67FF MVII #$10, R2 ; Point it to $1000 - $17FF in Intellicart CALL IC_SETBANK ; Do it. CALL PRINT.FLP ; Display message 1 from bankswitched memory DECLE X_YEL ; Yellow DECLE $200 + 3*20 + 5 ; Row #1, column #1 on screen ;01234567890123456789 DECLE MSG1 ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Select the second message and display it. ;; ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; CALL PRINT.FLS ; Display our message. DECLE X_WHT ; White DECLE $200 + 5*20 + 0 ; Row #0, column #0 on screen ;01234567890123456789 STRING "MAP $1800 -> $6000: ", 0 MVII #$60, R1 ; Range to bankswitch = $6000 - $67FF MVII #$18, R2 ; Point it to $1800 - $1FFF in Intellicart CALL IC_SETBANK ; Do it. CALL PRINT.FLP ; Display message 1 from bankswitched memory DECLE X_YEL ; Yellow DECLE $200 + 6*20 + 5 ; Row #1, column #1 on screen ;01234567890123456789 DECLE MSG2 ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Select the first message, but display it with hardcoded addr. ;; ;; Ordinarily, hard-coded addresses are a bad idea. I'm using ;; ;; one here for illustration purposes only. ;; ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; CALL PRINT.FLS ; Display our message. DECLE X_WHT ; White DECLE $200 + 8*20 + 0 ; Row #0, column #0 on screen ;01234567890123456789 STRING "MAP $1000 -> $6000: ", 0 MVII #$60, R1 ; Range to bankswitch = $6000 - $67FF MVII #$10, R2 ; Point it to $1000 - $17FF in Intellicart CALL IC_SETBANK ; Do it. CALL PRINT.FLP ; Display message 1 from bankswitched memory DECLE X_YEL ; Yellow DECLE $200 + 9*20 + 5 ; Row #1, column #1 on screen ;01234567890123456789 DECLE $6000 ; <-- NOTE: Address is hardcoded! RETURN ; Return to the EXEC and sit doing nothing. ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; LIBRARY INCLUDES ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; INCLUDE "../library/print.asm" ; PRINT.xxx routines INCLUDE "../library/fillmem.asm" ; CLRSCR/FILLZERO/FILLMEM INCLUDE "../library/ic_banksw.asm" ; IC_xxx routines ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; BANKSWITCHED AREAS ;; ;; ;; ;; We set up two areas that are loaded in the lower part of the ;; ;; Intellicart address space. We will be able to access these areas ;; ;; using the Intellicart's bank switching. ;; ;; ;; ;; Our two areas are set up to appear at $6000 in the Intellivision ;; ;; memory map, but load at $1000 and $1800 in the Intellicart memory map, ;; ;; respectively. ;; ;; ;; ;; If you look at the listing file or at the symbol table, you'll notice ;; ;; that MSG1 and MSG2 both show up as having assembled at $6000. In the ;; ;; ROM image, though, they're set to load at $1000 and $1800. If you ;; ;; assemble to a BIN+CFG, you'll see this as a [preload] section in the ;; ;; CFG. ;; ;; ;; ;; One thing to keep in mind: $1000 and $1800 are addresses in the ;; ;; INTELLICART address map, and not necessarily in the Intellivision ;; ;; memory map. The Intellicart has its own private address space that ;; ;; ranges from $0000 - $FFFF. It allows the Intellivision to see its ;; ;; memory via two means: ;; ;; ;; ;; -- DIRECT MAP. This is the default. In a direct mapped address ;; ;; range, there is a 1-to-1 correspondence between Intellivision ;; ;; and Intellicart addresses. ;; ;; ;; ;; -- BANKSWITCHED. A bankswitched range maps a fixed range in the ;; ;; Intellivision address map to an arbitrary range in the ;; ;; Intellicart memory map. There is no restriction on where the ;; ;; bankswitched range points inside the Intellicart address map. ;; ;; ;; ;; In this demo, we've configured $6000 - $67FF to be bankswitched, so ;; ;; that we can see into unmapped regions of Intellicart address space. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; MSG1 loads at $1000, but we will eventually see it at $6000. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ORG $6000, $1000, "-RWB" MSG1 STRING "Message 1", 0 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; MSG2 loads at $1800, but we will eventually see it at $6000. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ORG $6000, $1800, "-RWB" MSG2 STRING "Message 2", 0 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Set up a read-only bankswitched area from $6000 - $67FF. Nothing is ;; ;; loaded at $6000 in the Intellicart memory map -- this merely marks the ;; ;; range as readable and bankswitched in the Intellivision's memory map. ;; ;; It'll show up as a [bankswitch] section in the .CFG file if you ;; ;; assemble as BIN+CFG. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ORG $6000, $6000, "=RB" RMB $0800 ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; End of "bankdemo". ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;;