This directory contains "Tag-Along Todd 2", which expands the simple Tag-Along Todd demo to a complete (if somewhat silly) game. Tag-Along Todd 2: Dateline: Eastern Michigan, Spring 1983 It's windy outside, and you're outside cleaning the yard. Every so often, the wind blows a 12-pack of empty pop cans into your yard from the neighbor's yard. You're minding your business cleaning the yard, but Todd wants to play. Your family got an Intellivision for Christmas, and now you're the coolest kid on the block. Todd's been hanging around you ever since. You really don't want to play with Todd, but your mom said to play nice. So if Todd catches up to you, too bad -- you're playing with Todd today. (At least maybe you can play Utopia or Baseball now that you'll have a second player. Baseball's cool. And Todd doesn't know how to steal bases like you do. *evil grin*) But really, you just want those pop cans. Hey, at $0.10 a can refund, (you're in Michigan after all) that's a lot of money for a kid your age. See how many cans you can clean up while completely avoiding Todd. I encourage you to take this game and spruce it up various ways to get a feel for how to do various things. For instance, "tagalong2a" includes a simple animation around the title on the title screen. Ideas of things to try: -- Animate Todd and the player when they walk. Right now they just float around the screen. -- Have multiple "can" pictures that are selected between randomly when scattering cans on the screen. Would make the screen less monotonous. -- Draw up artwork to actually make it look like a lawn with maybe a fence or other things. How many back yards are cement grey? :-) -- Add obstacles in the lawn. -- Add distractions for Todd. -- Animate the cans littering the yard. -- Add more sound effects. -- Add music? LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO I, Joseph Zbiciak, hereby release the character "Tag-Along Todd" into the public domain, and relinquish all rights to his name, likeness and related game scenarios. You are welcome to develop your own Tag-Along Todd games and release them. (You're also encouraged to improve on my artwork if you do.) This release does NOT extend to the game code I have provided. The game code is provided under the GNU General Public License, Version 2. If you choose to build a new game based on this code (whether or not it incorporates the Tag-Along Todd character), you may only redistribute that game only under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Please read the file "LICENSE.txt" that is included with SDK-1600 for details.